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The German information site about running and jogging

Literature and books about running and jogging

Graubuenden Marathon in the Swiss Alps

If you know interesting books about running, jogging and marathon which we should publish at this website then please send an email to us!

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German Books German books about running and jogging
4 Months to A 4 Hour Marathon

by Dave Kuehls

The marathon is the crown jewel of distance running. Entering is one thing. Finishing is something else. And finishing with a respectable time...? For competitive veterans or recreational beginners, 4 Months to a 4-Hour Marathon tells exactly what to eat, what to wear, what to expect, and how to train. When race day arrives, author Dave Kuehls, senior writer at Runner's World and a marathoner himself, will have any competitor in the best shape physically and mentally.

The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer by David A. Whitsett, Tanjala Jo Kole, Tanjala Mabon Kole, Tanjalavo Kole, Forrest A. Dolgener

Athlete. Runner. Marathoner. Are these words you wouldn't exactly use to describe yourself? Do you consider yourself too old or too out of shape to run a marathon? But somewhere deep inside have you always admired the people who could reach down and come up with the mental and physical strength to complete such a daunting and rewarding accomplishment? It doesn't have to be somebody else crossing the finish line. You can be a marathoner...

Marathon: You Can Do It! by Jeff Galloway

Marathon running is a sport that many consider too daunting, better in the viewing than the doing. Olympian Jeff Galloway dispels such notions in a book that takes the mystery — and misery — out of distance running. Marathon! shows how just about anyone can run a marathon and, given the right attitude and training, finish the race. Galloway has designed a low-mileage marathon training program that has been used by over 10,000 people with a 98 percent success rate.

What Is This Madness: Ride & Tie: The Invention and Growth of a Sport by Bud Johns

The story of how a historical means of transportation for two humans sharing a single horse--used from necessity to travel long distances in Colonial America and the Old West and even earlier in England --inspired the author to invent the sport of Ride and Tie. Illustrated with 41 photographs and one diagram.




Table of Contents
Running Events
Adventure Runs
Match Calendar
Running reports
Tools for runners
Age runner
Body fat
Mountain running


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